Hello Everyone!
It finally snowed! My feet are very wet, but my heart is happy. I hope everyone is having fun doing their favorite winter activities! Mine is drinking hot chocolate, but I do that all year round anyway.
Next week we have our Gordon-Nash Thanksgiving Celebration on the 16th. Drop in between 2:30 and 4pm to make hand turkeys with us. This is guaranteed to be the most intense hand turkey event you have ever attended, unless you had an elementary school teacher who was very passionate about hand turkeys, in which case it probably won’t be. The only limits to hand turkeys are the imagination! And the hand shape.
For this week’s story time, we read No by Claudia Rueda, about a little bear who doesn’t want to hibernate because winter seems fun and interesting (It definitely is! But it’s also too cold…). Then we read There’s An Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer. For our craft we made a bed with tissue paper covers that could flip up, revealing the creature that lives beneath it! I added a rabbit under mine because I didn’t want anything particularly scary, but now I’m wondering if rabbits eat blankets. Other beds had a turkey and Spiderman!

We’ve been having story time on Thursdays from 10:45-11:45am, but we are wondering whether another time on Thursday would work better. I’ve attached a Google Form below to gather information. All answers are anonymous. I also left space if anyone wants to comment on programs they’d like to see at the library.
Hope to see everyone at the library!
Kaitlyn Gable
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