Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and finds lots of mysterious eggs!
This week we learned some things about the eclipse! I discovered a book with pictures from past eclipses: Cosmic Phenomenaby Gabriele Vanin (You can find it in adult nonfiction under “523 Vanin”). Come take a look and get an idea of what to expect!
The April events calendar is out! Next week we will celebrate April Fools Day on Monday at 3:30 pm, and have a celebration of rabbits and eggs on Thursday at 10:15 am (instead of story time) and Friday at 4 pm.
We will also have activities all month! Come pick up spring crafts or answer our question of the week!
April is also poetry month, so stay tuned for poetry book recommendations.
In honor of Earth Day, we will have weekly challenges relating to nature! Here are the first two:
Challenge 1: Create a snow angel!
Bonus challenge: can you create snow angels that are different shapes?
Challenge 2: Find a bird!
Bonus challenges: can you draw a picture of the bird? What does the bird sound like? Can you identify what type of bird it is?
We will have a wall of Earth Day Challenge pictures in the children’s room! If you make an awesome snow angel, or get a really good picture of a bird, email them to us! (You can send them by replying to this email)
Hope to see you at the library!
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